52GL #8: Know Your Limitations — Be Kind to Yourself

A jar full of pastel coloured sugar almonfs (white, yellow, green .blue,. pink) sitting on a brown desk

Excess is not always the best


A boy was singled out by his teacher for being a prize student and doing all the homework that had been asked of him during the week.
The teacher told the boy, “Come up to the front and take some lollies from the jar.”


The boy ran up to the front of the class, eagerly eyeing the big jar of lollies on the teacher’s desk.
When he got there, he put his hand into the jar and grabbed so many lollies that he could not get his hand out of the jar. Reluctant to let go of any, he started to get frustrated and angry.


The teacher turned to him and said, “Be satisfied with a smaller number of lollies, and you will be able to get your hand out.” “It is better to have some than none at all.”


I don’t know about you, but I always set the bar too high. I am a great list maker, but my lists are always more than I can do in a day.


We often get ourselves into situations where we exceed our limitations. Too much to eat, too much to drink, and many other situations that I am sure you are familiar with.


It can sometimes be the same in work situations. We take on too much and burn ourselves out, ultimately setting ourselves back, rather than making long-term progress.


Knowing your limitations is a valuable lesson. Doing so can prevent disappointment and anxiety when things do not work out as planned. We all learn as children that we can’t have or do everything, but sometimes, as adults, we need a reminder.


I know I do.
How about you?


Till next time,

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Picture of Calvin London

Calvin London

Calvin runs a boutique consulting company. He is an established author of over 50 publications but started this site to explore the lighter side of life and all the curious things it has to offer. He is developing a career as a freelance writer.