
Stadium full; of spectators watching the Olympic games

EINADW #10: What Happened at the Olympics – More Scandals and Buying Medals

Sex, Drugs, and Rock n ‘roll   Last month’s article in “Ethics Is Not a Dirty Word” looked at the Olympic games from a standpoint of what the Olympics could teach us about Ethics.   I finished by asking the question of whether these Olympic games would live up to expectations and commented:   “The […]

EINADW #10: What Happened at the Olympics – More Scandals and Buying Medals Read More »

two lady athletes competing in a footrace a the Olympics

EINADW #8: The Olympic Games Still Highly Competitive and Just As Corrupt.

Five Things the Olympic Games Tell Us About Ethics and Corruption   We are now in the midst of another round of the Olympic Games. For just over two weeks, they will be on the TV almost continuously.  Around the world, people of all ages will be engrossed in the games. Some will turn up

EINADW #8: The Olympic Games Still Highly Competitive and Just As Corrupt. Read More »